Monday, October 24, 2011

For Alagaesia: 61. Can he be trusted?

Being the leader of a rebellion was a head ache. Not just because of the lopsided match between the rebels and the empire, but also because of the politics within the rebel alliance and the threat of back-handed assassination attempts by the empire. But Nasuada had managed it well so far. Or at least that was how King Orrin felt. Oddly, he had visited her for no particular reason at all and had spoke with her for an hour about the status of the war and almost all things related to war – which of course included everything in their life. Their life was now war; as indistinguishable from one another as water in milk.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

For Alagaesia: 60. Learning. Speaking. Naming.

Dragons were wonderful. The way their mind worked was amazing to say the least. They always seemed to know what exactly had to be done. Young or old – experienced or novice, they were always one step ahead of even the most experienced and rational elf. Yet their aggression was something unheard of in human, elven, dwarven or even Urgal realms. When annoyed they could lose all semblance of fair judgement and follow their instincts blindly. But what served them in such extreme situations was the fact that the instincts of a dragon were almost never incorrect.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

For Alagaesia: 59. Peace and Happiness

The puny-dotted-deer was cunning enough to keep running under huge trees. No animal had ever defied her attempt to hunt this long. It wasn't that the deer was smart, it was just that never before had she been hampered by an extremely slow-to-fly companion.

Arya-bonded-little-green-dragon had insisted upon following her to hunt. According to Arya, he was tired of eating Saphira's catch. So much gratitude for helping with fresh meat in his young days. She, Saphira, had been forced to eat stored and old meat when she was little as she didn't have any dragon around to help. The only food she got was stolen meat from uncle-of-Eragon's stocks.