Watching Saphira fly towards him worked wonders on his tired mind and body. If he felt safe when he saw Arya in the prison, he felt every emotion that was worth mentioning as good when he saw Saphira. He couldn't wait for her to reach him. He needed to touch her scales; the jewelled scales that made her more worthy than anything in Alagaesia-be it the Isidar mithrim that she repaired or the menoa tree of the elves-atleast for him. He could now feel her body-warmth on him. Oh, how much he missed it? And the wish to sleep under Saphira's wings took over him and he ran as fast as he could. His eyes started playing games with him by blurring Saphira out and soon his legs joined in by not responding to his will.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
For Alagaesia: 29. Dawn
Eragon shifted his worn out body slightly. It was better if he could stay immobile because every movement induced a pain in him like being stabbed by a hundred spears. Staying immobile had its own discomfort for it stopped blood flow making his body ache for some movement. The foul smell of the dungeon cell he was in combined with his own dirty body layered with blood and some white liquid that oozed from his wounds was too much to bear that it nauseated him. But his stomach was empty and nothing remained in it to vomit. He wanted sleep to take over him but unconsciously he avoided sleep. He feared that sleeping would again put him through the hell, he had faced thinking he was dead. It was the worst moment in all of his captivity except perhaps the time when Galbatorix had gained entry into his mind for a few fractions of a second. No he wouldn't sleep hereafter. Not without resting his head against Saphira.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
For Alagaesia: 28. Tackling the lion's den
Every wing-beat, a mixture of joy and fear, Saphira flew out of Du Weldenvarden. It was early in the morning now. But she wasn't feeling the usual activeness that comes with the morning. In fact, she felt worse than she did at night when she had been in Du Weldenvarden. The mystic-forest-of-elves had a calming effect on her. But now that she was back in the open air, she was feeling more and more that their doom was near. But ever since, she had started off from Ellesmera, the immense worry that she had been feeling for five days had left her. It indicated only one thing: the danger that Eragon was facing was gone. His life wasn't threatened atleast for now. That one thought gave her the strength to face every adversity that lay ahead of her.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
For Alagaesia: 27. Eventful evening
The sun was low in the western sky. The meeting was going on so well that Nasuada thought that at the end of the meeting even the most hateful man of the Varden would have got one friend from the Urgals. It was a master stroke by Roran who had arranged this meeting. It was held under the pretense of reiterating their opposition to Galbatorix in difficult times. Roran had planned this meeting earlier when he had taken over the affairs of Urgals to create awareness about the Urgal customs among the Varden. But there had been no time to conduct it till now. Roran was not so keen to conduct the meeting when Saphira and Eragon both were in danger. But Nasuada, being the leader she was had found it to be the best time to conduct it. It served two purposes now: lifting the failing moral strength of the men and getting the men friendly with the Varden. Personally she too was not interested in having this meeting at this time. But she had been taught by her father, Ajihad that whatever difficulty a leader faces, he or she should try to give their best to their followers. This meeting was just one of many things Nasuada had done keeping in mind her father's advise.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
For Alagaesia: 26. Resurgence
It was dark. Completely dark. Ever since he died, it had been like this. Anywhere he turned, he could see only one thing: Black. Is it how Brom feels now? Garrow? Oromis? Is this the life that the humans spoke of: the life after death. If it was he only wanted it to end. The nothingness was killing him. He didn't know where he was or how long he had been here. It was all eternal here. At first he had thought, he would crash into something because of the darkness around him. But now, he knew. He knew that he could walk wherever he wanted and however he wanted, because there was nothing here except darkness. And him.
Monday, November 29, 2010
For Alagaesia: 25. Around the land
'Go to Ellesmera, Saphira', Glaedr said. She did not want to waste anymore time in rescuing Eragon. So she said, 'Why, master, should we go there now that we know a route into the dungeons?'
'You know why, Saphira. That route isn't foolproof and neither is it one that will let you in. From what Solembum said, at best, Arya can manage to go through it when the city is low on security.', Glaedr replied her.
Saphira knew that Glaedr was right, yet she didn't want to give in. 'But master, won't..', she started but Glaedr stopped her mid-sentence and said, 'Look here, Saphira. You have done so well these fifty odd days when Eragon wasn't with you. I beg you to do the same for another five days. Be reasonable.'
'Fine, master. I will do as you say', she said heavily.
'Good. Another five days, Saphira. We may fail or we may win. But we should do our best. For that you shouldn't follow your heart. I will be there to guide you', Glaedr said kindly.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
For Alagaesia: 24. Unexpected help
"Sleep", Roran said to Katrina. She turned in her bed but didn't close her eyes. He knew why. It was in his mind too. A feeling like doom was just around the corner was ever-present in their minds now, for two days, ever since they knew Eragon's life was in danger. The feeling disappeared when they removed Eragon's ring from their hands, but he didn't want to take the ring off his hand because it was the only link he had with his beloved little cousin. Katrina too didn't remove the ring from her hand. The result was that they both hadn't slept for the past two days. He turned to see Katrina's face in the dim lamp-light of their room. Her eyes were red. It wasn't good. Atleast not for their yet to be born child.
"Katrina, give me your hand", Roran asked.
"Trust me." Her hand reached before his eyes. He smiled despite the gloomy times. He caught her hand and removed the ring from her hand. She turned sharply to him. "Why?", she asked again.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
For Alagaesia: 23. Her breaking point
Saphira sniffed at the ground. It had rained just hours ago and the soil was wet. She moved her feet from one position to another. Then she laid her eye on the huge footprints made by her legs. She was angry at herself. Angry that she was so big that moving around without being noticed was almost impossible for her. Angry that her size was stopping her from going to rescue the-partner-of-her-mind-and-heart.
Ever since she and Arya had visited Jeod three days ago, she had not had any rest. She felt as if she would break into tears if provoked a little. So she kept away from everybody. Even from Arya and Glaedr. Arya too left her to her own devices never disturbing her for trivial matters like meetings with Nasuada. She was grateful to Arya for that. But she never wanted to thank her. Why should she when it was Arya and the blasted promise Saphira made her were the only things stopping her from flying towards Uru'baen to rescue her Eragon?
Friday, November 26, 2010
For Alagaesia: 22. The ultimate wisdom
Deprived of all strength and hurting all over Eragon lay unable to do anything else in the 'chamber' with only his mind guarding him. But now he was afraid; afraid that even his mind would let him down. Not because he didn't trust his own mental strength but because of the person standing at the entrance of the chamber. 'No. No. No. Not now. Not at this time. Please not now....'
A booming laughter filled the room; maniacal. Galbatorix was savouring his victory. "I see that you remember her, you insolent fool."
'Don't listen to him. Concentrate. You still have chance', Eragon admonished himself. 'But no. How can you? Its impossible. He can make you do anything now', a part of him replied.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
For Alagaesia: 21. Advises
Pillars of white marble tall as hills whose intricate design spoke of the skill of the architect stood before him. The setting sun's rays reached the hall through a strangely wide yet beautifully carved stone door that opened out to a large balcony bathing the hall in golden light. The Lianí Vine curled around the narrow edges of the balcony. The pines and oaks that grew outside rivalled the castle for beauty. Various exotic flowers bloomed on the huge branches of the trees. Birds chirped around the trees singing happily as the day neared its end. A low rumbling filled the air, the source being a picturesque waterfall far away from the castle. A mild melody of evening song reached his ears from somewhere on the ground.
Monday, November 22, 2010
For Alagaesia: 20. A dilemma
He stood in front of the broken doors of his home with a gloomy look on his face. The grandeur of Belatona was completely gone after the attack by the empire. The accursed red dragon had set fire to many buildings and broken the roofs of many more buildings. Walking around the town was like moving through some rubble-filled long forgotten city with a small change - lots of people lived in this city. The dwarves had taken the repairing works upon themselves. He was amazed by the skills they exhibited. They had completely covered the breaches in the wall in three days and one look at those parts showed that those parts were now stronger than the other portions of the wall. As he pondered the further measures he had to take to fortify the Urgal settlements outside the city, he heard Katrina's soft footsteps approach him from inside the house.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
For Alagaesia: 19. Visitors
The force of the mental attack that descended upon him was stronger than any he had ever experienced. Not even Oromis's vast presence could rival this force. It was like the whole of the Beors came crashing on his head. Fear started gnawing at his mind; fear that Galbatorix may find a opening in his mental barriers. He desperately tried to push away the fear and concentrate on the elven poem that he was reciting. But when the whip that the captain wielded slashed at his back, the combined pain was too much that his concentration faltered a slight bit. Galbatorix's presence started flooding into his mind. 'Oh, what repulsive presence it was'. There was only one way now to push the evil presence of the king out of his mind before he could incapacitate Eragon's mind and then rummage through his memories and that had to be done faster than the King's mind-speed: Form another layer of barrier using something that was stronger than Galbatorix's will to control Eragon. Eragon's mind raced desperately in search of something on which he could concentrate on without faltering even when the King's foul presence was filling his mind.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
For Alagaesia: 18. Overcoming
Cool air surrounded them almost instantly as Lake Tudosten came into view. The sight before them was enticing with the beautiful Silverwood forest lining the shining Lake Tudosten under the bright late noon sun. But they weren't in any mood to stop to look at it. "Let us take a small break by the lake, Saphira", Arya said raising her voice over the howling wind. Saphira was in no mood to stop and so asked, 'What for?'
"To refresh ourselves before the final leg of our journey"
'I don't need any refreshments'
"That is not true. You haven't eaten in two days and you are tired."
'No I am not', Saphira snapped. "Look Saphira, if we are to succeed in this battle, we need to be fresh when we enter the field and I don't think you will be fresh after a day long flight", Arya said kindly.
'When Eragon is near death, what does this minor discomfort to me account for?', Saphira finally spoke of the real reason for which she refused comfort in a harsh tone. Arya's face hardened at this rebuke from Saphira and she stopped trying to persuade Saphira to land instead focusing on casting protective wards around Saphira.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
For Alagaesia: 17. Help them, Saphira
She was resting on the old-times-home-stone-of-broken-eggs. Even though they had come to Ellesmera to find ways into Uru'baen, the old-elf-forest-du-weldenvarden had had a calming effect on her. She had not had any visions of Eragon's state after she had come into Du Weldenvarden. It was probably because the elf-magic prevented magic flow from outside or because Eragon had not thought of reaching her vigorously. She was relieved either way because she wasn't sure if she could stand another of such cruel visions. Eragon was probably in much more bad condition now than before. She snapped at a sparrow that dared come into the home of her ancestors. The sparrow was rather skinny and feathery that increased her foul mood.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
For Alagaesia: 16. A fight for survival
Free time was so difficult to come by these days. But Nasuada had one of those rare free days. The city had been completely reorganised to accommodate the newly arrived dwarves and elves. It had taken about a week to finish the preparations. She was happy with the results they had achieved though. She was sure that the Varden could hold any attack from the empire if it did not involve dragons. She had now made peace with the fact that Eragon wasn't a part of their army anymore. It pained her but she had accepted it if it was what fate offered them. She had never before accepted something as fate's play but this matter was out of her hands and she had no other go than to accept that Eragon's fate now lay in god's hands.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
For Alagaesia: 15. Fortitude
He was running ahead of his father in breakneck speed. They had come to attend the traders arrival. His father always buys things for the house during these trader arrivals. For him though it was not a time for purchase. He and his brother liked the whole environment. The crowded streets and the beautiful playing toys were more than enough to excite them. But he also liked hearing tales about the past. The dragon riders always fascinated him. The town story-teller was adept at telling such stories. But his brother was not as enthusiastic as him in those stories. So his brother had not become friends with the town story-teller like him.
As he was running, his legs struck on something. He turned to see that he had scattered the pile of knives at the butcher's shop. He knew he was in for trouble. The butcher had always tried to punish him for something or the other.
Monday, November 15, 2010
For Alagaesia: 14. Gathering
The Jiet river was flowing with a roaring sound. Roran applied a slight pressure on Snowfire's flanks. The loyal horse responded by increasing its speed to keep up with the elves running ahead. After finishing the siege of Aroughs and getting the blasted news about Eragon's capture, Roran had established a temporary ruling council for the city and with twenty of his best men, rode north towards Feinster. At Feinster he had met with the dwarves camped there and together with them he was now going towards Belatona.
"The dwarves want to rest it seems", he said to one of the elves. The elf acknowledged his message and they came to a stop. Then they started scanning the area around them. Roran did not understand what they were doing by scanning the surroundings. Then one elf said, "About 2 leagues from here there is a small tree covered area. At this speed we will reach there in an hour. There we can rest." Roran was amazed to hear this and the question of how they knew it came to the tip of his tongue before he controlled himself. He had seen Eragon observing things like that often already and it seemed a trait common to all elves. "So be it. I will inform the dwarves.", he said. "I could inform the spell-caster of the dvergar, Stronghammer. You don't have to go back.", an elf said. "It would be helpful. Thank you.", Roran replied.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
For Alagaesia: 13. Coping without him
The shining-water-lake Isenstar was below her. It was bright and happy. It looked like it was mocking her. She wanted some time alone for herself so as to come to terms with the fact that she couldn't save her partner-of-mind-and-heart Eragon. So she had informed Arya that she would go hunt for food and had flown high in the sky. She couldn't even enjoy flying. How could she when she knew her Eragon was probably being beaten up even at that instant?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
For Alagaesia: 12. Regrouping
Nasuada strolled restlessly in the cosy room she occupied in the castle of Belatona. She had just confirmed with the elves that Eragon was in trouble. As soon as she got Roran's message she had asked Eragon's guards to contact Queen Islanzadi. But the queen wasn't available and neither was Arya. The elf that came in contact with her a certain Lord Dathedr said that Saphira showed up just moments ago without Eragon and that Eragon was fighting Murtagh alone. But before he could say anything more, there was some trouble for the elves and he had gone off telling that the elves would contact her again later and update her about the details.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
For Alagaesia: 11. Steely resolve
It was cold and dark when Eragon opened his eyes. There was a dull throbbing in his head. He couldn't remember where he was or what had happened to him. Instinctively, he reached out his mind to Saphira. But he couldn't find her. Panic set in and he tried to move. It was then that he realised that his hands and legs were held by something. He looked around to see where he was. His eye-sight was dull and dim. He could just about make out the strong iron bars of the door of the room he was in. He racked his brain to remember what had happened. His brain was strangely slow to process anything.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
For Alagaesia: 10. Heartbroken
Silence and peace ruled the meadow. The night air was calming and cool. A lone figure sat in meditation in these condition seemingly oblivious to the surroundings. A loud crash filled the air accompanied by roiling blue light which gave an eerie feeling. The meditating figure stood up as if stung by some poisonous snake with wide eyes.
* * * * * * * *
Blue-light-fire was everywhere. But all she wanted was partner-of-her-mind-and-body Eragon. Eragon who had sent her away. Eragon who was in trouble. Anger and sorrow fought for control over her mind. She had never ever been worried this way all her life. She roared her misery out to the world. The Blue-light was going. But Saphira did not care where she was. She couldn't touch the mind of her partner. And it was like suffering in hell. Her anger came to the fore-front of her mind and urged her to search stunted-thoughts-Thorn and tear that runt to pieces. But she didn't know where to find him. Eragon had sent her somewhere where she couldn't help him. He had sacrificed himself to ensure her safety. The anguish she felt was overwhelming. It would have burned her to ashes if that presence hadn't entered her mind right then. It tried to soothe her misery. She tried to ignore it. But it wouldn't go. It asked her to be calm. Slowly, Saphira started realising what was around her. Her vision registered the shocked-silent Arya standing there with widened eyes and a pale face. So it was where the partner-of-her-mind-and-heart, Eragon had sent her. To Arya. To complete protection.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
For Alagaesia: 9. The last steps
Roran shouted, "Release". A clutch of hundred arrows flew from the Varden's ranks into the walls of Aroughs. There were wails of pain from the city walls as twenty-odd archers fell from the walls. A huge stone flew from the city's catapult. Roran turned his head fast towards the three elven spell-casters who had come with him to help in the capture of the city. They uttered a fast spell which sounded like, "Jierda" and the stone broke into small pieces just before it fell into the Varden soldiers. The little pieces still caused injuries to the soldiers; but none was fatal.
They had laid siege on the city about ten hours ago. This city didn't have magical protections. It wasn't even big like the cities of Feinster and Belatona. It was just a small town. But it was decided by Nasuada, that leaving the town in the Empire's hands was dangerous as it could be used as a staging point for two-sided attacks by Galbatorix. Roran was a prime supporter of this view among the Varden captains and elders. So he was charged by Nasuada to capture the city for the Varden.
Monday, November 08, 2010
For Alagaesia: 8. A cornered Tiger
Soldiers surrounded him with their sword points near his neck. But Eragon's mind didn't care. He had sent Saphira to safety. It was enough. Whatever happens hereafter, he was ready to accept. Eragon rested thus for sometime on the ground looking at the night sky thinking of his various conversations with Arya under such skies. Then Murtagh's face entered his field of view. He looked confused and angry. "What did you do, Eragon?", he asked hardly. Something in Murtagh's voice made Eragon laugh. He laughed and he laughed. Almost hysterically. It earned him a punch on the face by Murtagh. But his laughing continued. "Take him in.", Murtagh shouted.
For Alagaesia: 7. The Blue The Red
Eragon's insides started somersaulting for a few moments before he gathered himself enough to process what Saphira had said. The implications of her simple sentence-a simple thought about them-made Eragon shiver all over. He was just speechless;dumb-struck for sometime. When the initial shock abated, Eragon's mind started to process the possibilities ahead of him. His mind was clouded by an unidentifiable emotion; it took moments for his brain to identify it as fear. Cold fear. The prospect of the being captured loomed large in his mind which in turn had brought about the fear. But somewhere in the far corners of his troubled and afraid mind there arose a trifle of another emotion; determination. The trait that had defined him. As the seconds passed agonisingly it started to take over him. Determination to escape or rather determination to save Saphira from capture. Seconds after Saphira had told him that Thorn was following them, Eragon said to her, "Try to out-fly him, Saphira." 'I will try', she replied.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
For Alagaesia: 6. Darkness gathers
Eragon and Saphira had been flying for about an hour when Blodhgarm contacted Eragon mentally and informed him that Islanzadi had asked him to meet her. Eragon relayed the message to Saphira who rather begrudgingly started to descend to the ground. Once they reached the ground the four of his 12 guards who were in Gil'ead surrounded them protectively. Eragon was a little irritated. He didn't think that it was necessary to have guards in a city administered by the elves themselves. But he didn't want to have any disagreements with his guards who were completely loyal and friendly towards him and Saphira. So he let them go with him. Upon reaching the mansion where Islanzadi lived, Eragon was admitted in the court room without any delay.
Friday, November 05, 2010
For Alagaesia: 5. Injuries of the past
Eragon was bored. He had been in the city for two days now and didn't have anything to do other than exchange greetings with elves he didn't know. He wanted to do some work or else it seemed to him like he will be brooding over the past sorrowful days and lose his sanity over them. So he decided that he will meet Islanzadi and ask if he could be of some help. He conveyed this to Saphira who was away hunting. He walked all the way from his resting place, the small but comfortable house to the mansion where the Queen had made up her residence.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
For Alagaesia: 4. Farewell to the Sage
The city of Gil'ead looked the same as it did when Eragon was held prisoner in it from far away. But Eragon knew that so much had changed in there now. For a start, it was now a Elven controlled city rather than Galbatorix's military stronghold. And it had become the place where the Mourning Sage had finally met his end. Eragon felt the air become visibly cold and his mind become dark. He turned to see that Arya was in much the same state as he was. The elves were starting to move around in a faster way and he knew that it was their arrival that made them react as such. Saphira contacted him and said, 'Little one, they have raised wards so as not to allow any dragon in without their permission' Eragon sighed, 'Galbatorix. He has made even the elves to distrust the dragons', he said. A mental probe came his way and Eragon became alert although he knew that with elves so near no empire magician would dare do such idiocy. The voice said, 'Atra esterní ono thelduin, Eragon Shur’tugal.' Eragon finding that it was the Elf-lord, Dathedr finished the elven greeting, 'Atra du evarínya ono varda, Däthedr-vodhr.' Then Dathedr said, 'By your safe arrival here, Shadaslayer, may we assume that there was no discomfort in your travel.' 'Yes, Dathedr-vodhr, you may.', replied Eragon not wanting these niceties to go any further. 'The wards will now be parted to allow you in, Eragon-vodhr.', he said and left Eragon's mind. Eragon conveyed this to Saphira and she made herself ready to enter the elf-protected city.
For Alagaesia: 3. Revisits and Remembrances
Eragon walked around the city of Belatona which the Varden had decided to make its stronghold. There were various arrangements being made for the Varden people to live in harmony with the townspeople. The surrounding areas were to be secured and made free of empire soldiers and for that many groups of warriors were sent out of the city under capable captains like Roran. The whole population of the Varden were accommodated in the cities of Feinster and Belatona and small villages in the outskirts of those cities. Patrols of Varden soldiers were always moving around those areas. Eragon and Saphira had overseen the arrangements made in the outskirts on behalf of Nasuada who was busy fortifying the city of Belatona so that it would withstand any attack from the empire. Arya was given charge of fortifying the city of Feinster. In short, the Varden had gone into consolidative mode and concentrated more on defending the acquired lands rather than indulging into anymore offensive. This idea was given by Arya after consulting with Islanzadi. Queen Islanzadi wanted the city of Dras Leona attacked by a combined force of the Elves and the Varden. Further, the area of land captured by the Varden and the Elves was now large that Galbatorix may find it easy to attack from various directions. Hence the proposal of strengthening the captured land's defenses was raised and accepted by both parties namely the Varden and the Elves. Eragon saw a little boy playing around the city's streets without any qualms. He wished he could do that too. But he knew that he was too much past such things. Just then Saphira arrived with a whoosh of her wings. Seeing her pushed aside any nauseating feelings that he had just moments go. He knew that he belonged with her. In that moment he didn't care for what the surrounding people will think of him. He just ran to her and hugged her neck tight. Saphira was a little surprised and asked, 'Little One! What is it?' Eragon didn't answer her but got on her saddle and said, 'Let us fly, Saphira!' If she was surprised by his sudden enthusiasm, she didn't show it; instead she revelled in his happiness and flew high and fast performing the most complex of aerobatics that she knew. She flew over the Leona lake. Then she took a sudden dive into the lake and went deep into the water. She snatched a fish and swallowed it whole. Eragon looked around to see the water life and he liked every bit of it. When Eragon started wanting air, Saphira came above the water and again started flying high. To Eragon's eye, Saphira's wet scales looked even more glittery than they normally were. He was so happy to have her. Then Saphira said, ' It will be good to show this to Arya, won't it be, little one?' Eragon was a little embarrassed to answer her coherently, so he stuttered and managed to say. "Ye...s... It" Then he sighed and picked himself up and with rising curiosity asked, 'From when did you become this close to Arya, Saphira?' 'Why? I have always been close to her. She and I share a fifteen year's silent friendship if you don't know.', said Saphira sarcastically. 'Are you jealous, Eragon?', she asked. 'May be', Eragon said a little nonchalantly and added, 'When is she coming back from Feinster?' 'Today, by nightfall, I suppose.', answered Saphira. 'We have to go to Gil'ead then.', she said without wanting to bring the underlying matter up. Eragon too felt his happiness ebbing away. They were to attend Oromis's funeral.
* * * * * * * * * *
Monday, November 01, 2010
For Alagaesia: 2. Red Sunset
The pounding of the battering Ram filled the air. "Move aside, you fool.", shouted Angela over the pounding as she pushed a foot soldier out of the way of a large stone. He was saved; but the stone which fell harmlessly on the ground rolled fast and hit the leg of another soldier breaking it. Eragon watched this with a depressing feeling. They had laid siege on Belatona just that morning. But the people of the city were very well prepared for the attack. They had fortified the gate even stronger than at Feinster. Nothing could enter the city. They knew so well that they couldn't use the method they did at Feinster because a simple mental probe suggested that the magicians of Feinster had done more than creating a shade; they had contacted the magicians at Belatona and briefed them about how the Varden broke into their gates. Thus the area behind the gate was swarming with soldiers. So the Varden couldn't afford to send any of the elves or Eragon into the city walls. Further the soldiers of this city were much more equipped with all their devices of war. Saphira and Eragon had flown over the city walls four-five times. Each time, volleys of arrows and javelins were aimed at them. Although they had succeeded in breaking more than 15 trebuchets and numerous small catapults and had killed some 100 or so archers, it hardly helped. And they were getting tired of this business. The Varden soldiers were dying in hundreds.Saphira had gone off to take some rest because she was hardly needed to do this siege. Eragon had stationed himself under the command of Roran. But the commander did not even matter because there was not much to do do than try and break the gates. Eragon in his free time concentrated on reinforcing the wards he had placed on Saphira, Roran, Nasuada, Angela and Arya because he was wary of the stones, javelins and arrows flying around from the walls. Just as he resumed killing the soldiers on the walls using his sung wood bow, a messenger arrived and informed him that Nasuada had called him for a meeting. The messenger was wary of his surroundings as he was just a boy of 12 attested by his rolling and wide eyeballs. And his wariness was not some invalid fear of a little boy because Eragon had to shield him from an oncoming arrow just after he delivered his message. Eragon was overcome with anger seeing this atrocity and sent a fizzing fireball toward the soldier who released the arrow with a wild cry of "Brisingr". The messenger was terrified at this display of ferocity and moved slightly away from Eragon. Eragon didn't notice the boy's fear and asked him quite harshly, "Who sent you?" for which the boy replied with a shaky voice, "Lady Nasuada, my lord!" Eragon ignored the 'lord' term that he didn't like to attach with his name in his anger and told the boy, "Stay close to me." But then he found that he would be considerably slowed down by the boy and so lifted the boy up ignoring his mild protests that were muffled by the boy's fear.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
For Alagaesia: 1.The Resolute March
Eragon bent over from his position to catch Saphira's neck spikes as she performed a backward dive. They were far above the ground so as to avoid detection, but with their superior eye sight they could see everything that was on the ground. The ground seemed calm. There was no disturbance except for an odd deer running around. The situation was very peaceful. But Eragon & Saphira were hardly at peace. It was 4 days since the battle of Feinster but the memories of Glaedr during the last moments of Oromis still haunted them. A strange sense of guilt was creeping over Eragon. Saphira contacted him and said 'Do not think that you were responsible for their deaths, Eragon. They were more than capable of defending themselves. It was only ill-luck that must be blamed.' Eragon wasn't in any mood to speak about them then and so just nodded his head even though he knew she couldn't see him from her position. Saphira understanding his situation remained calm for a while. But Eragon's state wasn't anywhere near improved even after such prolonged isolation. So Saphira tugged at his mind till he let his barrier down. Once she established contact with him she pulled him deep into her mind. Eragon tried to resist. But she was too stubborn that he let her take control. Soon his vision was tinged blue and he felt considerably comfortable. But still there seemed to be a little discomfort and soon Eragon noticed that it was from Saphira that the discomfiting feeling rose. He was embarrassed to have thought that he was the only one to be affected heavily by their master's deaths. He knew Saphira just like the back of his hand. But had forgot her in his distress. She had tried to comfort him many times in the past four days. But he hadn't done that one bit with Saphira. He wanted to apologize to her. But before he could say anything, Saphira said to him, 'Little One, Don't worry about me. I am a dragon and I am strong.' For the first time in hours Eragon spoke, "Oh, Saphira... I am so sorry! I know that the loss of Glaedr is too much for you. You are alone again." Saphira answered him quite heatedly, 'No. I am not. I have you.' But after a slight pause, 'But you are right. He was the only other dragon in this whole land' Eragon sighed. Then in a biting voice answered her, "For this alone I could kill Galbatorix a hundred times." Saphira who had been so quiet till then let out a burst of flames and said to Eragon, 'If only that traitor hadn't enslaved the eldunarya, we could just now fly over his ill-gotten city and shred him to pieces'. Eragon patted Saphira's flanks partly in appreciation of her words and partly in desperation due to the truth behind them.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
For Alagaesia: Prologue: Trapped
He was near the mark now. All his work of the past 25 days had led him here. He went into the tavern where his contact in the city had asked him to go. Just as he opened the door, loud noises of men enjoying themselves reached him. He looked around the room. It was all perfect; nothing strange for a tavern. So he had not been led astray by some lunatic who loved seeing people in difficulty. Sighing in relief, he looked for the one table that he was supposed to look. Sure enough there was the parchment that he was supposed to take. He went near the table. But as he approached the table, he became aware of a disturbance in the air. Somebody was running toward him. He was terrified to say the least. He knew what the empire did with spies. He had heard rumours about people's heads scarred and bloodied found in the sewage canals. He made up his mind to never go through such hell. He would rather kill any number of people, good or bad, he didn't care. But as he readied himself in the attacking stance, the man who had been running went past him and caught up with a hound of a man bear hugging him. He let out a strangled breath that he didn't actually know that he was holding till then. He took the parchment and went out of the tavern hastily.
My first novel length story - A Eragon fan-fiction
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The real Author Christopher Paolini |
I have been waiting for the arrival of the last book - Book No.4 - of the inheritance cycle for the past 1 year or so. I haven't been a good waiter. I wanted to read it as soon as I finished the third book of the series, - Brisingr - but it wasn't possible as the book wasn't released yet. By May 2010, I had finished my college and had about 7-8 months of free time of which 6 months are now over. These past six months I read various Inheritance Cycle fan-fictions, followed avidly, rummaged fan arts of Inheritance Cycle, read and contributed to discussion boards. All these made me write some blog posts about the Eragon 'world'. They can be found in these addresses - Defending the Inheritance Cycle, Explaining Arya, Fan-arts inspired by Inheritance cycle, Fanfiction and the pain it put me through & Why I love Eragon-Arya pairing. I also reread the three released books atleast 7-8 times. Even after all these my wait (and free time) isn't over. My joining date at TCS is December 15, 2010. I had started developing a story line for the Book IV of the Inheritance Cycle just days before I got my joining date. Now I have nearly finalised the story line and so I was thinking maybe I could make a fan-fiction out of it. Hence I will be posting a fan-fiction on this blog from tomorrow. The only major problem I have with the story now is that I don't have a name for the story. Hope I will come up with a nice name within tomorrow. A prospective title that I am considering is "For Alagaesia".
The story starts with the capture of a spy of the Varden by Galbatorix.......... LINK TO STORY
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Why I love the Eragon - Arya pairing
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Eragon - Arya & Aragorn -Arwen |
Love in Books - almost always gets thrashed - but, occasionally is seen as the guideline for real-life love. And even rarely, it gets Epic status and stands tall, taller than even real-life love stories. One such 'epic' tales is Aragorn - Arwen of the Lord of the rings. This pairing attained such high proportions because of the fact that Arwen relinquished her immortality for the sake of living 'a life time' with Aragorn. And it really is a master stroke by JRR Tolkien. I myself, is an ardent worshipper of this pairing. In fact, my google homepage background image is that of Aragorn & Arwen from Peter Jackson's LOTR films. Theirs is really a fascinating tale. One love story in which everybody wants to be involved in. Well, maybe not, but it is one story in which I want to be part of.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Fan Arts inspired by Inheritance Cycle
A 'google' for the term Eragon always brings up images of Eragon, the movie that is so much unlike its inspiration, Eragon, the book. So I wanted to see for myself how the descriptions of the books will look like when drawn for I have had really great imaginations running in my brain. But unfortunately my drawing skills have been abysmal and never can hand match brain. Even so, I liked these fan-arts. They aren't perfect, but they will help people shift away from the image the movie has created in our minds. Further there was also the Eragon's Guide to Alagaesia with its share of images. They were great too, but I have to say that in my mind everything is a lot more different and a lot more beautiful. But as I said brain is always stupendous when it comes to imagination.
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Alagaesia Map |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Explaining Arya
A depiction of Ellesméra, Arya's home town in Eragon's Guide to Alagaësia |
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Defending the Inheritance Cycle
Writing Fantasy Novels!! ........ A really intriguing and enticing prospect and a very good way to forget the problems that the real world presents us with. But when you want to do it commercially, then so much changes and you find yourself increasingly frustrated by the criticisms that you receive. It is true that you look forward to reviews so that you can improve yourself but when people point out something that you really enjoyed writing as a weak point in your script then you get annoyed. Readers don't really see what the writer would have gone through-and they are not obliged to-while writing the book. But there is one novel that I have seen to come under lots of negative feelings even though it isn't bad: The Inheritance Cycle.
Friday, July 09, 2010
A Fan fiction and the pain it put me through
"The Inheritance Cycle".... This has been a story that has fascinated me. I have read some 15 or so novels in English and this I daresay is among the closest to my heart. One reason: it is fantasy. I love fantasy more than anything. It takes me to another world. It makes me live among the people in the false-world. No! not false world. It is my world in the times that I read fantasies. Be it Harry Potter or Lord of the rings or Inheritance. Inheritance is not yet finished though. (As on 9/7/2010). I had read all the first three books of the series: Eragon, Eldest & Brisingr. I was awaiting the fourth with longing. I wanted to finish reading the fourth one as soon as possible. The waiting that Paolini put me through was too much. So I turned back to the first three books and read them again and the end of the read, my thirst had not quenched. It had only increased. So I turned my attention to fan-fictions and there were quite a lot. I read them. They were not well written. I hadn't expected them to be. There were dark tales, romantic tales and all. Then at last my eyes fell upon Eldunari by wildskysong alias Kallie in This seemed to be a neatly formed story. Had its own dark spots: Eragon's capture and the sort. But it was lovable. I liked reading it mainly because of the way the author handled Arya's feelings for Eragon and Eragon's dealing with Galbatorix. I thought it may finally quench my thirst. But alas, by the end I was cursing the writer much more than I was adoring her story at the middle part of Eldunari: She had killed Eragon. Just because she wanted Murtagh to be the rider's leader. I liked Murtagh's character. He was a real hero. But once he killed Hrothgar, all was gone. I finally started hating him after that: but no!!, I couldn't. He was such a fiercely good natured guy that hating him was impossible. But Eragon is different. He is "the hero". He can't die. He simply can't die....... The girl(wildskysong) has started some sequel named Edoc' sil to her Eldunari and had hinted eragon's resurrection using a phoenix feather at the end of Eldunari and the blasted Edoc' sil has just begun and now I am in deep distress. But I know something better.... I made Eragon live in my own version of the last two chapters of Eldunari. After all it is a fan-fiction of a fantasy: a world that I can make on my own.
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